Lawful permanent residents

Lawful Permanent residents are defined as those foreign immigrants who are legally authorised to live in the USA permanently. They are generally known as green card holders. They are entitled with certain rights in the USA such as they can own a house , they can accept offers of any employment without any restrictions, can receive aid at public universities and can join the US Army. The Lawful permanent residents also become citizens if they fulfil certain criteria of Immigration and nationality Act (INA).
Becoming LPR through job
A foreign national can become a lawful permanent resident if he has a permanent job offer from a US employer. All the permanent Immigrant workers are eligible to become Lawful Permanent resident. The US permanent residents are commonly known as green card holders. The green card can be gained through various employment based immigration. In many of the employment based immigration the employer petitions for his employee to get approval from the USCIS and US Department of labor (DOL). The employer must have the intention to hire the employee for a long term/ permanent role and not a temporary one.
Becoming LPR through Family based immigration
Any LPR or citizen of the USA can petition for his family member for his/her immigration to the USA. Family based immigration are of two types:
- Immediate Relative Category : The immediate Relative Visa category gets priority because there is no bar on its availability. The Immigrants whose visa application falls under this category gets priority and they do not have to wait for years to get their Visa for immigration. The immediate Relative Category is reserved for the spouse, unmarried children and parents of U.S. citizens. The Immediate Relative categories are as follows :
- IR 1 – Spouse of a U.S. citizen
- IR 2 – Unmarried child (under 21
- IR 3 – Orphan adopted abroad by a U.S. citizen
- IR 4 – Orphan to be adopted in the United States by a U.S. citizen
- IR 5 – Parent of a U.S. citizen (who is at least 21 years old)
- Family Preference Category : The family preference category includes all other qualified relations other than immediate Relative category. The Visa Application for this category is limited because the immigration laws have put a cap on issuance of green cards to this category. The family preference category includes:
- Unmarried, adult sons and daughters (age 21 or over) of U.S. citizens
- Spouses and unmarried children (under age 21) of permanent residents
- Unmarried adult sons and daughters of permanent residents
- Married sons and daughters (any age) of U.S. citizens
- Brothers and sisters of adult U.S. citizens
Becoming LPR through Diversity visa system
Each year approx 50 thousand diversity visas are issued to foreign nationals of those countries whose nationals have low immigration rates to the US. In this programme visas are issued on the basis of random names selection by the lottery system. The basic requirement of this system is that a person applying for this kind of visa must be from the list of countries whose rate of immigration to the US is low. The list of countries keep revising each year. Eligibility for applying in diversity programme are as follows:
- The foreign national must be from a country which has low rates of immigration to the US.
- The foreign national must be graduate or holding equivalent degree or having work experience
We at Anu Peshawaria law firm assist our clients in preparation for interviews before the office of US consulates or USCIS. Our experienced attorneys take care of any legal issues and assist our clients in any kinds of family based immigration at the office of US consulates or USCIS.
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